Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Disappearing destination: Great Barrier Reef

Stretching more than 135,000 square miles, an area greater than Poland, the Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest reef system and one of the most complex ecosystems on the planet. Here you’ll find more than 1,500 species of fish, 500 species of seaweed and some of the world’s most endangered creatures, from sea turtles to blue whales.

As carbon-dioxide levels rise in the atmosphere, the oceans heat up. This increase in temperature and acidity kills symbiotic algae, causing the coral to “bleach,” turn white and die. This kind of environmental disruption can have devastating effects on the species that depend on the fragile ecosystem. Explore this tropical underwater sanctuary with Discovery Student Adventures.


  1. Yeah it sucks that our enviroment is disappearing, we should help it.

  2. Hey,
    Very good blog post I love your site keep up the great posts.

  3. i love that picture of the sea star!!! (: <333


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